涉及加密服务:14. Cryptographic Services
其中 hashlib是涉及安全散列和消息摘要,提供多个不同的加密算法借口,如SHA1、SHA224、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512、MD5等。 Continue reading python 模块学习 hashlib
涉及加密服务:14. Cryptographic Services
其中 hashlib是涉及安全散列和消息摘要,提供多个不同的加密算法借口,如SHA1、SHA224、SHA256、SHA384、SHA512、MD5等。 Continue reading python 模块学习 hashlib
Python os模块包含普遍的操作系统功能。如果你希望你的程序能够与平台无关的话,这个模块是尤为重要的。(一语中的) Continue reading Python 模块学习:os模块
Pillow中最重要的类就是Image,该类存在于同名的模块中。可以通过以下几种方式实例化:从文件中读取图片,处理其他图片得到,或者直接创建一个图片。 Continue reading Python图像处理库:Pillow 初级教程
Calibre is a free and open source ebook manager.
Although Calibre is probably better known for its desktop client, it can also act as a powerful server, allowing you to access your ebooks from anywhere in the world (or share your collection with friends). Keeping your ebooks on a server is great, as you aren’t reliant on having the same reading device with you whenever you want to read. And if you go traveling, you don’t need to worry about taking your ebook collection with you! Continue reading How To Create a Calibre Ebook Server on Ubuntu
Here are some few tricks to use Cairo-Dock efficiently within Unity.
Continue reading tricks to use Cairo-Dock
Here is an easy way to use Cairo-Dock as a shell, instead of Unity on Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10) and newer.
It will remove the top panel and the left bar. Continue reading Replace Unity with Cairo-Dock
按下 Ctrl + Alt + t 键盘组合键调出终端,在终端中输入以下命令:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom
按下回车。 Continue reading 移动 Ubuntu16.04 桌面左侧的启动器到屏幕底部
sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins
启动插件:Draw Spaces
如:<hr style=”background-color:black;height:1px;border:none;”>