Category Archives: MEMO

CUE 文件格式

Continue reading CUE 文件格式

XP PPT resolustion

要大于96 dpi分辨率导出图片需添加注册表值:
1. 退出PPT
2. 运行regedit
3. 展开下面项:
4. 选中“Options”项,在“编辑”菜单上指向“新建”,然后单击“DWORD”值
5. 键入ExportBitmapResolution, 然后按Enter
6. 选中ExportBitmapResolution,修改键值为300
7. 单击”十进制“,单击确定,退出注册表

IMAP gmail

Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server – requires SSL:
Use SSL: Yes
Port: 993
Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server – requires TLS: (use authentication)
Use Authentication: Yes
Use STARTTLS: Yes (some clients call this SSL)
Port: 465 or 587
Account Name: your full email address (including Google Apps users, please enter
Email Address: your full Gmail email address ( Google Apps users, please enter
Password: your Gmail password

moves after install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on X201 and the stuck problem

1. install VirtualBox: sudo apt-get install virtualbox and configure it.
2. install gimp and inkscape inside application center.
3. transfer to the “universe source” by search the ffmpeg in application center and the using the source
4. try to play a rmvb video file and install the rm decoder according to the prompt.
The stuck problem:
Kill the dpkg process
and run: sudo dpkg –configure -a