Linear format equations using unicodemath and latex in word

Linear format equations using UnicodeMath and LaTeX in Word

To insert an equation using the keyboard, press ALT+ =, and then type the equation.You can insert equation symbols outside a math region by using Math AutoCorrect. For more information, see Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions check box.
You can also create math equations using on the keyboard using a combination of keywords and math autocorrect codes. New to Word for Office 365 subscribers is the ability to type math using the LaTeX syntax; details described below.

Type equations in linear format
Linear format is a representation of math on one line in documents. There are two linear formats for math that Word supports:.

  • Unicode math
  • LaTeX math

Depending on your preferred input format, you can create equations in Word in either one of UnicodeMath or LaTeX formats by selecting the format from the Equations tab.
Equation formats

Note: All the other Office applications support only UnicodeMath linear format.

Create fractions in linear formats
To create a fraction using these different formats with subscript,

  • Enter your equation using Alt + = on the keyboard.
  • Choose Convert and select professional to build your typed fractions to their Professional form into subscripts, or use Ctrl + =. You can similarly convert an equation back down to a linear format with Ctrl + Shift + =.Convert equation format

Create Fractions in Linear

Note: Convert a professional format equation format to it’s source format, change the convert tool to build a linear format by selecting the desired option from the Convert menu.

UnicodeMath editing examples
UnicodeMath resembles real mathematical notation the most in comparison to all of the math linear formats, and it is the most concise linear format, though some may prefer editing in the LaTeX input over UnicodeMath since that is widely used in academia.
You can type most equations in UnicodeMath quickly by using Math AutoCorrect codes. For example, to align an equation array, you can use @ and &, as in the following:
which resolves to:
Here are some other examples:

UnicodeMath format Built-up format
Vectors (abc)\vec<space><space> Vector
(abc)\hat<space><space> Vector
Boxed formula \rect(a/b)<space> Boxed formula
Brackets (a+b/c)<space> Equation with brackets
{a+b/c}<space> Equation with brackets
Brackets with separators {a/b\vbar<space>x+y\vbar<space>}<space> Equation with brackets and separators
Fractions a/(b+c)<space> Fraction
LeftSubSup _a^b<space>x<space> LeftSubSup
Limit lim_(n->\infty)<space>n Limit
Matrix (\matrix(a&b@&c&d))<space> Matrix and equation array
Nary \iint_(a=0)^\infty<space><space>a Nary
Over/Underbar \overbar(abc)<space> Overbar
\overbrace(a+b)<space> Overbrace
Radicals \sqrt(5&a^2)<space> Radical

Note: When an example is followed by two consecutive spaces, the first space resolves the typed text into the equation, and the second space builds it up.

Microsoft Office uses the linear format described in Unicode Technical Note 28 to build up and display mathematical expressions. For more information, including how to quickly type up and build equations, see Unicode Nearly Plain-Text Encoding of Mathematics.

LaTeX equation editing examples
LaTeX equation editing supports most of the common LaTeX mathematical keywords. To create a 3×3 matrix equation in the LaTeX format, type the following into a math zone:
This will build into the following professional equation:
Latex editing example
Here are some other examples of LaTeX expressions that can be built-up into a professional format.
Table showing LaTeX Equation examples
Most LaTeX expressions are supported in this new feature to Word; a list of exceptions is provided below for LaTeX keywords that are not currently supported.
Table showing unsupported LaTeX equation formatSome LaTeX expressions take a slightly different syntax than might be expected.
For example, LaTeX matrices are often created using the following syntax:
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix}
However \begin{} and \end{} keywords are not supported in Word, so instead, a LaTeX matrix input takes simply \matrix{} and would look like:
\matrix{a & b \\ c & d}

Automatically convert expressions to professional format
Office has Math AutoCorrect that can be used to make UnicodeMath format simpler by automatically recognizing expressions and symbols as they are input and converting them to a professional format as the equation is created. This setting can be enabled or disabled by checking the appropriate box in the Equation Options dialog.
Equation Options dialog
Type one of the following codes followed by a delimiting term. For example, after you type a code, type a punctuation mark, or press SPACEBAR or ENTER.
To ensure that the Math AutoCorrect symbols appear the same in your document as they do in the AutoCorrect dialog box, on the Home tab, in the Font group, select Cambria Math.

Important: The codes are case-sensitive.

To get Type
Mathematical symbol
Mathematical symbol \above
Mathematical symbol \aleph
Mathematical symbol \alpha
Mathematical symbol \Alpha
Mathematical symbol \amalg
Mathematical symbol \angle
Mathematical symbol \approx
Mathematical symbol \asmash
Mathematical symbol \ast
Mathematical symbol \asymp
Mathematical symbol \atop
Mathematical symbol \bar
Mathematical symbol \Bar
Mathematical symbol \begin
Mathematical symbol \below
Mathematical symbol \bet
Mathematical symbol \beta
Mathematical symbol \Beta
Mathematical symbol \bot
Mathematical symbol \bowtie
Mathematical symbol \box
Mathematical symbol \bra
Mathematical symbol \breve
Mathematical symbol \bullet
Mathematical symbol \cap
Mathematical symbol \cbrt
Mathematical symbol \cdot
Mathematical symbol \cdots
Mathematical symbol \check
Mathematical symbol \chi
Mathematical symbol \Chi
Mathematical symbol \circ
Mathematical symbol \close
Mathematical symbol \clubsuit
Mathematical symbol \coint
Mathematical symbol \cong
Mathematical symbol \cup
Mathematical symbol \dalet
Mathematical symbol \dashv
Mathematical symbol \dd
Mathematical symbol \Dd
Mathematical symbol \ddddot
Mathematical symbol \dddot
Mathematical symbol \ddot
Mathematical symbol \ddots
Mathematical symbol \degree
Mathematical symbol \delta
Mathematical symbol \Delta
Mathematical symbol \diamond
Mathematical symbol \diamondsuit
Mathematical symbol \div
Mathematical symbol \dot
Mathematical symbol \doteq
Mathematical symbol \dots
Mathematical symbol \downarrow
Mathematical symbol \Downarrow
Mathematical symbol \dsmash
Mathematical symbol \ee
Mathematical symbol \ell
Mathematical symbol \emptyset
Mathematical symbol \end
Mathematical symbol \epsilon
Mathematical symbol \Epsilon
Mathematical symbol \eqarray
Mathematical symbol \equiv
Mathematical symbol \eta
Mathematical symbol \Eta
Mathematical symbol \exists
Mathematical symbol \forall
Mathematical symbol \funcapply
Mathematical symbol \gamma
Mathematical symbol \Gamma
Mathematical symbol \ge
Mathematical symbol \geq
Mathematical symbol \gets
Mathematical symbol \gg
Mathematical symbol \gimel
Mathematical symbol \hat
Mathematical symbol \hbar
Mathematical symbol \heartsuit
Mathematical symbol \hookleftarrow
Mathematical symbol \hookrightarrow
Mathematical symbol \hphantom
Mathematical symbol \hvec
Mathematical symbol \ii
Mathematical symbol \iiint
Mathematical symbol \iint
Mathematical symbol \Im
Mathematical symbol \in
Mathematical symbol \inc
Mathematical symbol \infty
Mathematical symbol \int
Mathematical symbol \iota
Mathematical symbol \Iota
Mathematical symbol \jj
Mathematical symbol \kappa
Mathematical symbol \Kappa
Mathematical symbol \ket
Mathematical symbol \lambda
Mathematical symbol \Lambda
Mathematical symbol \langle
Mathematical symbol \lbrace
Mathematical symbol \lbrack
Mathematical symbol \lceil
Mathematical symbol \ldivide
Mathematical symbol \ldots
Mathematical symbol \le
Mathematical symbol \leftarrow
Mathematical symbol \Leftarrow
Mathematical symbol \leftharpoondown
Mathematical symbol \leftharpoonup
Mathematical symbol \leftrightarrow
Mathematical symbol \Leftrightarrow
Mathematical symbol \leq
Mathematical symbol \lfloor
Mathematical symbol \ll
Mathematical symbol \mapsto
Mathematical symbol \matrix
Mathematical symbol \mid
Mathematical symbol \models
Mathematical symbol \mp
Mathematical symbol \mu
Mathematical symbol \Mu
Mathematical symbol \nabla
Mathematical symbol \naryand
Mathematical symbol \ne
Mathematical symbol \nearrow
Mathematical symbol \neq
Mathematical symbol \ni
Mathematical symbol \norm
Mathematical symbol \nu
Mathematical symbol \Nu
Mathematical symbol \nwarrow
Mathematical symbol \o
Mathematical symbol \O
Mathematical symbol \odot
Mathematical symbol \oiiint
Mathematical symbol \oiint
Mathematical symbol \oint
Mathematical symbol \omega
Mathematical symbol \Omega
Mathematical symbol \ominus
Mathematical symbol \open
Mathematical symbol \oplus
Mathematical symbol \otimes
Mathematical symbol \over
Mathematical symbol \overbar
Mathematical symbol \overbrace
Mathematical symbol \overparen
Mathematical symbol \parallel
Mathematical symbol \partial
Mathematical symbol \phantom
Mathematical symbol \phi
Mathematical symbol \Phi
Mathematical symbol \pi
Mathematical symbol \Pi
Mathematical symbol \pm
Mathematical symbol \pppprime
Mathematical symbol \ppprime
Mathematical symbol \pprime
Mathematical symbol \prec
Mathematical symbol \preceq
Mathematical symbol \prime
Mathematical symbol \prod
Mathematical symbol \propto
Mathematical symbol \psi
Mathematical symbol \Psi
Mathematical symbol \qdrt
Mathematical symbol \quadratic
Mathematical symbol \rangle
Mathematical symbol \ratio
Mathematical symbol \rbrace
Mathematical symbol \rbrack
Mathematical symbol \rceil
Mathematical symbol \rddots
Mathematical symbol \Re
Mathematical symbol \rect
Mathematical symbol \rfloor
Mathematical symbol \rho
Mathematical symbol \Rho
Mathematical symbol \rightarrow
Mathematical symbol \Rightarrow
Mathematical symbol \rightharpoondown
Mathematical symbol \rightharpoonup
Mathematical symbol \sdivide
Mathematical symbol \searrow
Mathematical symbol \setminus
Mathematical symbol \sigma
Mathematical symbol \Sigma
Mathematical symbol \sim
Mathematical symbol \simeq
Mathematical symbol \slashedfrac
Mathematical symbol \smash
Mathematical symbol \spadesuit
Mathematical symbol \sqcap
Mathematical symbol \sqcup
Mathematical symbol \sqrt
Mathematical symbol \sqsubseteq
Mathematical symbol \sqsuperseteq
Mathematical symbol \star
Mathematical symbol \subset
Mathematical symbol \subseteq
Mathematical symbol \succ
Mathematical symbol \succeq
Mathematical symbol \sum
Mathematical symbol \superset
Mathematical symbol \superseteq
Mathematical symbol \swarrow
Mathematical symbol \tau
Mathematical symbol \Tau
Mathematical symbol \theta
Mathematical symbol \Theta
Mathematical symbol \times
Mathematical symbol \to
Mathematical symbol \top
Mathematical symbol \tvec
Mathematical symbol \ubar
Mathematical symbol \Ubar
Mathematical symbol \underbar
Mathematical symbol \underbrace
Mathematical symbol \underparen
Mathematical symbol \uparrow
Mathematical symbol \Uparrow
Mathematical symbol \updownarrow
Mathematical symbol \Updownarrow
Mathematical symbol \uplus
Mathematical symbol \upsilon
Mathematical symbol \Upsilon
Mathematical symbol \varepsilon
Mathematical symbol \varphi
Mathematical symbol \varpi
Mathematical symbol \varrho
Mathematical symbol \varsigma
Mathematical symbol \vartheta
Mathematical symbol \vbar
Mathematical symbol \vdash
Mathematical symbol \vdots
Mathematical symbol \vec
Mathematical symbol \vee
Mathematical symbol \vert
Mathematical symbol \Vert
Mathematical symbol \vphantom
Mathematical symbol \wedge
Mathematical symbol \wp
Mathematical symbol \wr
Mathematical symbol \xi
Mathematical symbol \Xi
Mathematical symbol \zeta
Mathematical symbol \Zeta
(space with zero width) \zwsp
Mathematical symbol -+
Mathematical symbol +-
Mathematical symbol <-
Mathematical symbol <=
Mathematical symbol ->
Mathematical symbol >=

Note: For information on inserting a symbol that is not in the chart above, see Insert a check mark or other symbol.

Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of an equation
  1. Click File > Options.(In Word 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button Office button image , and then click Word Options.)
  2. Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.
  3. Click the Math AutoCorrect tab.
  4. Select the Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions check box.